Category Archives: Hypnotherapy for anxiety

Try alternative practices


Try alternative practices, like hypnotherapy

A lot of people consider seeking mental or emotional help as something shameful. They feel that the society will look down upon them, laugh at them or, worse, send them to a mental institution.

Have people’s tolerance levels really gone down so much? Or is it that, because of so many drugs manufacturers out in the market, almost every medical professional simply wants to shove more and more drugs down people’s throats, for as long as they can pay for them?

Sadness, frustration, anger, guilt, panic, stress – these are all part of our humanness. As long as these emotions do not drive us to the point of hurting ourselves or others, it is okay to feel them, experience them, deal with them and let go of them. Yes, medicines ARE important for those suffering serious medical conditions – mental or physical – but you do not need to pop a pill every time you let a heavy breath out.

Instead, try alternative practices, like hypnotherapy, to deal better with everyday ‘normal’ emotional issues. Hypnotherapy helps you in becoming stronger, happier and more positive. And NO, it is not a drug… it is just a way of life. Try it for yourself today and feel its benefits.

A post by:

Swasti S Sharma, CMS-CHt FIBH (USA)

Medical Support Clinical Hypnotherapist / Past Life Regression Therapist

Certified by International Board of Hypnotherapy


Cell: (+91)7042321200 / Web:



Goal Achievement through Hypnotherapy5


How one can achieve his or her goal by using the techniques of Hypnotherapy…


This video is a part of “Goal Achievement through Hypnotherapy” workshop organized for a large group of would be chartered accountants by Pragati Pathik…..



Goal set is Goal achieved


Every person that comes to me for a session, regardless of what issue, has a goal he/she wants to achieve through Hypnotherapy or Past Life Regression Therapy. Whether it is overcoming sadness and depression by finding and connecting with the source of happiness within, or letting go of fears and phobias by getting in touch with the strength and confidence they already have in them, or improving their relationships by starting with first filling themselves with love and then projecting the vibrations of that love out into the universe, or successfully achieving all their goals in life by remaining focused and persistent – what people want, by the end of their therapy, is to see themselves having achieved a ‘goal’. And each session takes them closer to it.

When it comes to achieving a goal, the first and the most important thing is to be sure of the goal you have in mind. Ensure that that is THE goal YOU want to accomplish. One of the reasons people don’t achieve a goal is, probably, the goal they are working on is not their goal at all to begin with. For example – a person has interest in making houses look beautiful and wants to become an interior decorator. Let us call this person Raaj (fictional character). Now, people close to Raaj feel that law would be a better profession for him so they start forcing the idea of studying law and becoming a successful lawyer in his mind. Raaj’s original goal was to become an interior decorator, which has now been replaced by a different goal based on the expectations of family, relatives, peer group, or the society in general. So even if Raaj starts working towards achieving this goal and eventually becomes a successful lawyer, there still will always be a feeling of not having achieved enough, or maybe even some sort of void, in his mind and heart.

The second thing to remember is ‘why’ you want to achieve this goal – which also covers the first point, as discussed above, of having interest in it. Or maybe you want to achieve this goal because you feel it will make you happy. In that case ‘happiness’ becomes your ultimate goal and this thing you want to do and be successful at could be one of those many small goals you have that will help you to finally accomplish that ultimate goal, which is ‘happiness’. Sometimes some people have negative intentions behind achieving a goal, and in that case they find themselves falling back – over and over again – and that leads to so much frustration in them. For example – Ajut wants to become the CEO of his company only to throw the present CEO, Kim, off the position and out the organization, because during a meeting few weeks ago Kim disapproved of an idea given by Ajut. Now Ajut feels that Kim was an idiot for refusing his idea and she should be taught a lesson. So Ajut’s entire focus is now on teaching Kim a lesson. He will never be completely focused on achieving the goal of becoming a CEO, because his attention will always be divided and consumed by a negative thought. And negativity leads to more negativity.

However, sometimes, even after being completely sure of the goal and the reasons for wanting to accomplish that goal and having good and pure intentions around that goal, some people find it hard to achieve their goals. This could be because of not enough directed planning or because of old limiting beliefs formed by some past negative events. And Hypnotherapy is very successful in helping people reach their goal, no matter what it is or how far-fetched it may seem to be for them, by breaking their old patterns because of which they have failed in the past, and by increasing their confidence which allows them to let go of their limiting beliefs. Hypnotherapy has also helped people in making more efficient plans to easily and quickly accomplish their goals. Do you wish to know how? Book your appointment and I will show you how!

Call between 11 AM to 6 PM, Monday to Saturday, to book your session.

Happy healing!

A post by:


Swasti S Sharma, CMS-CHt FIBH (USA)

Medical Support Clinical Hypnotherapist / Past Life Regression Therapist

Certified by International Board of Hypnotherapy


Cell: (+91)7042321200 / Web:

Clinical Hypnotherapy


Clinical hypnotherapy is the process of altering your consciousness’, perception or awareness to treat a lingering physical or psychological problem. It’s achieved by guiding the patient into a relaxed state and giving them positive suggestions and impressions.

In general, hypnotherapy is a tool used to help the mind become more concentrated, focused and self-aware and therefore, more powerful. This power allows the person to access their inner potential and release hidden talents or resolve inner conflicts.

Clinical hypnotherapy is applied in forensic work, memory improvement, self-esteem boost, age regression therapy, intense pain treatment, weight loss, different disorders, smoking control, alcohol and drug addiction, sexual problems, anxiety and phobia treatment.

A post by:


Swasti S Sharma, CMS-CHt FIBH (USA)

Medical Support Clinical Hypnotherapist / Past Life Regression Therapist

Certified by International Board of Hypnotherapy


Cell: (+91)7042321200 / Web:



Self-doubts & positive suggestions

Many people have self-doubts – I’m not worthy, I’m not capable, ‘I’m useless, I’m stupid etc. No matter where they are coming from, they block us from achieving our goals. And they can form in the subconscious mind at any time.

Let’s say, you are with a friend who you really trust and love, he or she is your best friend. You share an idea with your friend about, say, making a movie and you’re genuinely very excited about it. And your friend says “are you mad? Stupid! Do you even know how to make a movie? This is such a stupid idea”. Although you may at that time snap at your friend and tell them you’re going to do it anyway no matter what they think and walk away. But what they said about you and the idea being stupid has now been stored in your subconscious mind. Why? Because when we are with people who we love and trust with all our emotions our critical factor is relaxed.

Therefore, we all really need to be careful and responsible with what we say to and how we deal with others. In that case, if you are the friend and you really want your friend to act sensibly and maturely, you can say “that sounds like a great idea. But don’t you think it would be better to first get some knowledge on the subject? And also, do you think we have enough resources to make the film? Let’s get the resources first then we can start working on it”.

Now that we know what hypnosis and hypnotherapy is, let’s take a look at what it isn’t. Here are some myths and misconceptions around hypnosis.

It is a truth serum.

There is a false belief that you can’t lie in hypnosis. Oh yes you can! It is not an alternative to lie detector. Hypnosis cannot force anyone to tell the truth or to confess. You can lie straight through your teeth in hypnosis, but you won’t be doing yourself any good.

The hypnotist will control my mind.

No one can control your mind, unless you let them. In hypnosis, if you hear something that you don’t agree with or you don’t understand, your subconscious mind will automatically reject it. There is no way that you can lose your mind in hypnosis.

It comes from black magic.

Hypnosis is a natural state that has been studied scientifically. Hypnotherapists are not people with “supernatural powers”. Hypnotherapy is based on many years of clinical research. And mind you, it has the word “therapy” in it, not “magic”.

I can’t be hypnotized because my mind is too strong.

When you go to a hypnotherapist, it is your decision to use hypnosis for self-improvement. Therefore, your mind has already accepted the idea of hypnotherapy. And over the last 30 years many scientific methods have been developed to induce hypnosis in 100% of the population.

So going back to self-doubts like not worthy, not capable, useless or stupid that block us from achieving our goals, with hypnotherapy all these blocks can be reversed. How?, By relaxing the critical factor, establishing communication between the conscious and the subconscious mind and feeding the subconscious mind with positive suggestions.

A post by:


Swasti S Sharma, CMS-CHt FIBH (USA)

Medical Support Clinical Hypnotherapist / Past Life Regression Therapist

Certified by International Board of Hypnotherapy


Cell: (+91)7042321200 / Web:



Goal Achievement through Hypnotherapy Part 3 – Swasti S Sharma

How one can achieve his or her goal by using the techniques of Hypnotherapy…

his video is a part of “Goal Achievement through Hypnotherapy” workshop organized for a large group of would be chartered accountants by Pragati Pathik…..




There is no space for the negatives

A 45 year old man, very intelligent, wonderful graphic designer, had only one goal in life – to start his own graphic designing firm. For more than 10 years he had been working for others. He tried everything to set up his own business, spent a lot of money. But no matter what he did, he just couldn’t reach his goal. He gave up and lost all of his money in the process. Even his wife left him.

In his hypnotherapy session he said “I can never do anything right. I’m a failure. I could not even make my family proud of me. I’m such a loser. I deserve to be left alone”. During hypnosis he went back to the time when he was 4. He saw his mom and dad fighting, yelling at each other, throwing abuses in each other’s face as he watched from under the bed, feeling scared. He was just a kid.

He heard his mother saying to his father “you can never do anything right. You’re a failure and that’s what our son is going to be because he has your genes. He is seeing that his dad is a loser and he’ll grow up to be just like him. You can’t even make your own family feel proud of you. I’m leaving and I’m taking our son so I can save him from being a loser just like you”. His mom divorced his dad shortly after.

Then he went back to another memory when he was 7, living with his mom. He came back from school with his result card and he had failed in one subject. So his mom caught hold of his collar and said “failure… loser… just like your father. You can never do anything right. You deserve a punishment”. After this she locked him in his room and did not give him any dinner. He stayed there, alone and cried all night.

A child as young as that… absence of critical factor… first negative conditioning… “I’m a failure and a loser and I can never do anything right”… second negative conditioning… “I deserve to be left alone”. And so, therefore whenever he wanted to do something on his own, his subconscious negative conditionings would come to surface and no matter what he did, he would fail at it. He started believing all that negative conditioning to be the truth about him.

Any guesses what his father’s profession was? He was a cartoonist in a local newspaper.

But only after 4 sessions, he got over those negative conditionings and, with the positive approach that he formed during his sessions he started working again on his goal. He did not give up this time. And in a matter of few months he reached his goal and established his own graphic designing company.

That is the power of Hypnotherapy. It empowers you to do whatever it is you want to do by loading your subconscious mind with positive ideas and clearing it from all the negative conditionings. And obviously, when there are so many positives, how can there even be any space for the negatives?


A post by:

Swasti S Sharma, CMS-CHt FIBH (USA)

Medical Support Clinical Hypnotherapist / Past Life Regression Therapist

Certified by International Board of Hypnotherapy


Cell: (+91)7042321200 / Web:


Goal Achievement through Hypnotherapy Part 3- By Swasti S Sharma


How one can achieve his or her goal by using the techniques of Hypnotherapy…


This video is a part of “Goal Achievement through Hypnotherapy” workshop organized for a large group of would be chartered accountants by Pragati Pathik…..



Triune Mind

People are greatly influenced by the things that have happened to them throughout their lifetime. Often we subconsciously allow our past mistakes, incompletions and even our successes to get in the way of creation and accomplishment of goals. We are not always aware how much impact our past has on our present and future, especially when it comes to accomplishing goals and being successful. But once you’re detached from these past negative conditionings and beliefs, you can build a new connection with positive supportive thoughts that help you live your life the way YOU want.

Many people use different clearing techniques to detach from negative conditioning and to pave their way to success. Hypnotherapy is one such technique that helps you to break free from limiting beliefs that are rooted deep into your subconscious mind. And how do you know that the failure you are experiencing with setting and accomplishing goals is coming from those deeply rooted limiting beliefs and negative conditioning? You’ll know that THAT is true for you if you find yourself bumping up against the same old behavior patterns and habits, confronting the same old thorny issues as you work your way up to achieve your goals! All you have to do is you have to listen to yourself as your do the self-talk, rather the self-punching, and catch hold of these signs:

Oh no! Not again!

What was I thinking?

Why even try?

Ugh! This is so frustrating!

I am not getting any better at this!

There’s no way it will work!

I always mess it up!

I knew I’d get stuck here!

I’m so stupid!

How Hypnotherapy works is, once these signs have been identified, the next step is to go directly to the subconscious mind using several Hypnosis techniques, get to the root and detach from these negative conditionings, replace it with ideas of success and accomplishment, get in touch with our ability to get what we want, make our positives more powerful and allow the conscious mind to act with that power.

And now, let’s see how that happens.

The three levels of consciousness is called Triune Mind. At the Upper most level there is the conscious mind. It is the analytical, reasoning, logical mind. This is where all our five senses are… touch, smell, sound, taste and sight. The conscious mind first analyses and inspects any new information, idea or suggestion before accepting it.

After this conscious mind, there is the subconscious mind. This is where the memories are stored, this is where the emotions are stored and the beliefs are stored. Subconscious mind does not distinguish between fact and fantasy. It is also called the creative intelligence and THIS is what you character is all about.

And then there is the critical factor which develops by the age ten and works like a gatekeeper or checkpoint to the subconscious. Located between the conscious and the subconscious mind, it compares the incoming idea, suggestion or information coming from the conscious mind with the already existing ideas or beliefs of the subconscious mind and decides if it matches with the recognized information of the subconscious mind, or if it should be sent back to the conscious mind for further inspection.

And now at the center of consciousness, is the superconscious mind. This is referred to as the problem solving intelligence. All that the superconscious knows and has is love, grace, forgiveness, ability to heal, peace, intuition, and creativity. This connects us to the universal mind, the universal power, the spiritual source or, in other words, God. This is our soul.

People often ask me “what is mind? Where is it located? Is it in the brain? Is it different from the brain? In what part of the body does it exist?” My question to them is “what is existence? Where is it located? Is it in this world? Is it separate from the world? In what part of earth does it exist?” Just as ‘existence’ is not merely limited to earth, the ‘mind’ is not limited to the physical body.

So… what happens when we are in hypnosis? During hypnosis, the critical factor of the mind relaxes because of which direct communication between the conscious and the subconscious mind is established. This direct communication allows for positive and beneficial ideas, information and suggestions to be easily accepted and acted upon by the subconscious mind without being constantly bounced back to the conscious mind by the critical faculty. That information gets stored in the subconscious mind as a new belief since; the subconscious mind does not differentiate between fact and fiction.

A post by:


Swasti S Sharma, CMS-CHt FIBH (USA)

Medical Support Clinical Hypnotherapist / Past Life Regression Therapist

Certified by International Board of Hypnotherapy


Cell: (+91)7042321200 / Web:


Accomplishment of goals


Goal setting is the way, the means, of turning those dreams into reality. Goal setting is tied into the reticular activating system (RAS) of the brain, which is a cluster of nerve cells in the brain stem that regulates alertness and attention. It is also believed to be the center of arousal and motivation. Our senses, particularly sight, are constantly flooded with a vast amount of information. Most of that information is unnecessary for our well-being, so it gets screened. We remain consciously aware of only a fraction of that data.

Recall the last time you or your family decided to buy a new car, or a new bike. You finally chose the model and the color, and it seemed like everywhere you went, on the road, to a friend’s house, in television commercials, in newspaper advertisements, you saw “your car” or “your bike”. Obviously all these people didn’t suddenly purchase those cars or bikes when you did or those commercials and advertisements weren’t just suddenly out on TV or in papers. They were already there. But YOU only noticed them when they were of significance to YOU. And THIS is the magnificence of goal setting. By establishing clear goals, you are programming your brain to be aware and notify your conscious mind of the information and opportunities that YOU DESIRE.

Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together.~Vincent Van Gogh~

Effective goal setting is the groundwork for success and effective goals are:









Now let’s talk about what is really happening when you are facing difficulties in achieving your goals. Usually when you don’t accomplish a goal, it’s either because you have set an inappropriate deadline, or you don’t have the right or enough information that is needed to achieve your goal, or that’s not the goal that YOU want and are unwilling to do what’s required, or you are encountering conflicts and experiencing blocks, OR NEGATIVE CONDITIONING.

People are greatly influenced by the things that have happened to them throughout their lifetime. Often we subconsciously allow our past mistakes, incompletions and even our successes to get in the way of creation and accomplishment of goals. We are not always aware how much impact our past has on our present and future, especially when it comes to accomplishing goals and being successful. But once you’re detached from these past negative conditionings and beliefs, you can build a new connection with positive supportive thoughts that help you live your life the way YOU want.

A post by:


Swasti S Sharma, CMS-CHt FIBH (USA)

Medical Support Clinical Hypnotherapist / Past Life Regression Therapist

Certified by International Board of Hypnotherapy


Cell: (+91)7042321200 / Web: