Daily Archives: July 30, 2016

हीरे से दमकती बरखा की बूँदें

आज फिर से बारिश का दिन है | रत भर भी छाए रहे बादल और हलकी हलकी बूँदें भिगोती रहीं धरा बावली को नेह के रस में | बरखा की इस भीगी रुत में पेड़ों की हरी हरी पत्तियों पुष्पों से लदी टहनियों के मध्य से झा…

स्रोत: हीरे से दमकती बरखा की बूँदें

हीरे से दमकती बरखा की बूँदें

आज फिर से बारिश का दिन है |

रत भर भी छाए रहे बादल

और हलकी हलकी बूँदें

भिगोती रहीं धरा बावली को नेह के रस में |

बरखा की इस भीगी रुत में

पेड़ों की हरी हरी पत्तियों

पुष्पों से लदी टहनियों

के मध्य से झाँकता सवेरे का सूरज

बिखराता है लाल गुलाबी प्रकाश इस धरा पर |

मस्ती में मधुर स्वरों में गान करते पंछी

बुलाते हैं एक दूसरे को और अधिक निकट

आपस में मिलकर एक हो जाने को

मिटा देने को सारा दुई का भाव |

मिट्टी की सौंधी ख़ुशबू

फूलों की भीनी महक

मलयानिल की सुगन्धित बयार

कर देती हैं तब मन को मदमस्त |

मन चाहता है तब गुम हो जाना

किन्हीं मीठी सी यादों में |

वंशी के वृक्ष से आती मीठी ध्वनि सुन

और हवा से झूमती टहनियों को देख

तन मन हो जाता है नृत्य में लीन |

तेज़ हवा के झोंकों से झूमती वृक्षों की टहनियाँ

जगा देती हैं मन में राग नया

और बन जाता है एक गीत नया

अनुराग भरा, आह्लाद भरा

फिर अचानक

कहीं से खिल उठती है धूप

और हीरे सी दमक उठती हैं बरखा की बूँदें

जो गिरी हुई हैं हरी हरी घास पर |

धीरे धीरे ढलने लगता है दिन

सूर्यदेव करने लगते हैं प्रस्थान

अस्ताचल को

और खो जाती है समस्त प्रकृति

इन्द्रधनुषी सपनों में

ताकि अगली भोर

पुनः प्रभात के दर्शन कर

रची जा सके एक और नई रचना

भरी जा सके चेतनता

सृष्टि के हरेक कण कण में |

यही क्रम है बरखा की रुत में प्रकृति का

शाश्वत… सत्य… चिरन्तन…

किन्तु रहस्यमय…

जिसे लखता है मन  आह्लादित हो

और हो जाता है गुम

इस सुखद रहस्य के आवरण में

पूर्ण समर्पण भाव से……….


Vastu Heritage

Welcome to Vastu Heritage

Vastu Heritage offers Vastu consultations with Vastu Shastra Master Dr. Dinesh Sharma’s unique 64 Vastu Deity zone and 81 Vastu Energy zone based approach which is further supplemented with experienced professional inputs from his Jyotish (Vedic Astrology) expertise, involving nine Planets, 27 Stars and several horoscopic charts.

“Vastu Shastra is that amazing magical tool, which God has kindly blessed me in a very unique way, to help anyone and everyone facing challenges, obstacles, hurdles and continuous failures.”

Vastu Master Dr Dinesh Sharma

A short time ago in the city of Ismailia in Egypt, I stood in the industrial zone, on a proposed factory site for my client, holding my compass and mentally calculating 81 Vastu zones and 8 Vastu directions. The property was revealing a very bizarre story. My client’s curious eyes were fixed on my face, as he was eager to know my Vastu verdict of the property. My recommendations were important for him to select or reject this property. He was planning further extension of his production business and this site was a convenient option. Ever since I landed and checked into the hotel previous night, he had already made a strong case in favour of this site, citing different reasons and priorities as to why this site is very conveniently important for him.
Fortunately the Vastu ethics I inherited in my tradition always kept me objectively focused and never allowed me to get influenced with any compulsion or emotion while doing Vastu analysis of any property. This also is in the best interest of the client as many times emotional approach while deciding to go for a property may prove counter productive since the property may prove to be a disaster from Vastu perspective.

In Ismailia, Egypt, I was again facing the similar predicament. My client, for whom I was doing third project, had invited me to see and recommend this property on Vastu parameters. He was desperate to own this property and start another production unit here, as part of his expansion plans. What I was getting in my Vastu appraisal this morning was really bizarre. My Vastu reading, after referring to 81 zones and 8 directions, was indicating that the present owner of the property might be facing failures, losses, huge financial problems and also health problems more specifically cardiac issues including heart attack.

Though I could easily read the disappointment on my client’s face, when I dispassionately conveyed him my Vastu observations yet he was not ready to give up. He instantly remarked, “I don’t think what you said is correct.” But on my insistence he agreed to probe further. The proposal for this property had come through an agent. My client had no knowledge about the owner or his financial issues leave aside his health issues.

By next day the story became more clear. All the Vastu observations were correct. Not only the current owner of the property was in financial crises, facing major business losses but had suffered two heart attacks besides suffering other health problems.

A post by

Dinesh Photo for social media

Dr. Dinesh Sharma, An expert & experienced Vastu Consultant

35 years of Vastu Shastra consultations in more than 32 countries