Category Archives: Clinical Hypnotherapy

Train your mind to be Positive, Loving & Peaceful through Hypnotherapy

“It is our own mind, not an enemy or foe, that lures us to negative ways.”


When we get angry or upset with people, it is natural to put the blame on them for angering or upsetting us… It feels like the right thing to do since THEY said or did something they shouldn’t have said or done, which filled us with negative emotions such as anger, irritation, sadness, disgust or hatred. THEY are responsible for the way we are feeling. Right? Wrong. It is not what people say or do, rather our REACTION to their words or actions… How we LET those words or actions affect us. It is when we choose to give others the permission to make us feel a certain way, that we feel that way.

As an experiment, the next time when someone says something to hurt you or put you down, take a couple of deep breaths and repeat in your mind “I choose not to get affected by this, I choose to let this go, I choose not to react, I choose to stay calm”… Then smile and walk away. Don’t believe me, try it for yourself. Not only will you feel a lot wiser and stronger for doing that, you will save yourself from getting sucked into this vicious circle of negativity by breaking the chain of negative exchanges, negative feelings and (maybe even) physical reactions.

Remember, you are not what others think you are. When someone calls you stupid, it is usually THEIR interpretation of you – created by their lack of acceptance for what you say or do. Or maybe, to look at it from another perspective, they were only carrying the pain of someone else calling THEM stupid and you just happened to be the receiver of that. Hurt people, hurt people. People who are wounded themselves often times develop the tendency to harm other beings, as a way of let out. Either ways, you are not what others expect, believe, wish or interpret about you to be. When you realize that it becomes so easy to train your mind to positive, loving, humble, peaceful ways. If focusing on and following a negative path can be the decision of your own mind, then it is you who has the power to steer yourself in a positive direction. You just have to make that choice.

Clinical Hypnotherapy and Past Life Regression Therapy are great techniques that help you understand and get in touch with the real YOU. And once you know your true positive self, nothing that anyone says has the control over you to anger or upset you in any way. Love, peace, forgiveness, empathy and kindness become the key ingredients of your true divine nature. Give it a try… There’s all to gain. Call +917042321200, Monday to Saturday – 11 AM to 7 PM – to book your session.

A post by:


Swasti S Sharma, CMS-CHt FIBH (USA)

Medical Support Clinical Hypnotherapist / Past Life Regression Therapist

Certified by International Board of Hypnotherapy


Cell: (+91)7042321200 / Web:


Happy Raksha Bandhan


Swasti S Sharma, CMS-CHt FIBH (USA)

Medical Support Clinical Hypnotherapist / Past Life Regression Therapist

Certified by International Board of Hypnotherapy


Cell: (+91)7042321200 / Web:

There is no death, only a change of worlds


There is a common statement that almost everyone makes when they contact me for Past Life Regression – “I want to know how I died in my previous life”. In reality, there is no death, because if we really have died at some point, how come we are still here? When I say ‘we’, I am referring to us as souls. And souls are energies. Energy never dies, it merely transforms.

~ “There is no death, only a change of worlds.” – Chief Seattle ~

Energy is everywhere, in everything, every form. There is energy in stones, plants, trees, flowers, insects, a drop of water, a speck of dust, animals and humans. Ever wondered where all that energy is coming from? The energy we are in this world and lifetime is not THE human – it is simply living IN the form of a human. In other worlds and lifetimes this energy has lived in other different forms too. And this energy will continue to exist in other different forms, lifetimes after lifetimes, whether on this (earthly) plane or on a different one. So, regardless of all cultural or religious beliefs, we never really die. We only change our worlds and forms depending on the lessons we choose to learn and the purpose we choose to fulfill. Similarly, the energies that are living in forms OTHER than human in this world may come back to live as humans in other lifetimes, depending on the lessons and purpose they have to learn and fulfill. How can we even think that this human form, this lifetime, this world, this planet is all that there is and nothing exists beyond and after this? The universe holds mysteries that are unfathomable to material, physical forms and beings.

I never do Past Life Regression in the first or second session, since it is a very intense process. The first few sessions go in only educating, creating awareness and clearing my clients of their previously known limiting beliefs about Past Life Regression. People have a lot of excitement and curiosity sometimes. And often this excitement and curiosity becomes a hindrance and blocks them from experiencing the process completely. They come with a lot of expectations, they want to have a lot of expectations, yet they do not know what to expect from the session. It takes a few sittings to help them understand the different types of (physical) forms or karmas or lessons they might come across, based on the issue they want to resolve. These sittings or visits also assist them in understanding how to deal better with all the excitement and curiosity and simply observe and enjoy the process and the experience, easily and calmly, in a relaxed state of body and mind, and to just allow the healing transformation to take place. With some clients, even after gaining all the necessary knowledge and information about the process theoretically, when they first visit a past life they get too thrilled and their entire focus shifts on that thrill and they sometimes lose track. But that is just fine, because when they visit a past life again in the next session, they are much calmer and in control since they now know what to expect and their focus stays on just the process and they go through it smoothly.  Also, those who come to me to explore how they died, it is such a delight to hear them exclaim after their session – “oh so that was how I left that body in that life and came here in this body in this life!”

Past Life Regression session is a wonderful experience, a beautiful healing process. A lot of people’s issues are resolved by just knowing and gaining an insight that we never really die. The wisdom, enlightenment and sense of relief it brings is so precious… so relaxing… so healing. Book your appointment today and experience the transformation – literally!

To get an appointment, call me on +917042321200, anytime between 11 AM to 6 PM, Monday to Saturday. If I am in a session and am unable to take your call, just drop a text message with your name and calling reference and I will call you back myself as soon as I get free.

Happiness to you!

A post by:


Swasti S Sharma, CMS-CHt FIBH (USA)

Medical Support Clinical Hypnotherapist / Past Life Regression Therapist

Certified by International Board of Hypnotherapy


Cell: (+91)7042321200 / Web:





Oh! what a joy…

Oh what a joy! I feel blessed to have been trained as a Hypnotherapist and help my clients to bring them joy.

Such a beautiful start it is to a beautiful day…

A post by:

Swasti S Sharma, CMS-CHt FIBH (USA)

Medical Support Clinical Hypnotherapist / Past Life Regression Therapist

Certified by International Board of Hypnotherapy


Cell: (+91)7042321200 / Web:








Improve your memory through hypnotherapy
People ask me if Hypnotherapy can help them remember and recollect things better by improving their memory; especially those who are preparing for exams or interviews. The answer to that is, “yes”!

A post by:

Swasti S Sharma, CMS-CHt FIBH (USA)

Medical Support Clinical Hypnotherapist / Past Life Regression Therapist

Certified by International Board of Hypnotherapy


Cell: (+91)7042321200 / Web:

Hypnotherapy techniques are wonderful techniques with amazing benefit effects

Hypnotherapy techniques are wonderful techniques with amazing benefit effects

A post by:

Swasti S Sharma, CMS-CHt FIBH (USA)

Medical Support Clinical Hypnotherapist / Past Life Regression Therapist

Certified by International Board of Hypnotherapy


Cell: (+91)7042321200 / Web:



Increase your confidence


A post by:

Swasti S Sharma, CMS-CHt FIBH (USA)

Medical Support Clinical Hypnotherapist / Past Life Regression Therapist

Certified by International Board of Hypnotherapy


Cell: (+91)7042321200 / Web:






Hypnotherapy, to deal better with everyday ‘normal’ emotional issues


Recently I received a call from someone who wanted an appointment with me because he was in depression, and he said it in a way as if it was a taboo to be depressed. When he finally came and sat down in front of me, the first thing he said was, “don’t think I am mad. I do not have any mental illness. I am just depressed because of certain issues. That does not mean I am mentally unstable, right?”